Authenticity Compassion

Creativity Trust Connection Love Humanity

Some of the values that influence my work

Photographing the raw and the real through weddings, self-love, couples & family sessions.

Based in Bordeaux, France with my lover, Pierre, & my chonky tabby cat, Tigger.

Get To Know Me

I've been a wedding & portrait photographer for over 13 years, and I'm currently based in Bordeaux, in the south-west of France. I'm French-Australian, and although English is my first language, I'm fluent in French. 

Vous pouvez donc me parler dans les deux langues. ;)

If I'm not busy shooting a wedding or a session, you'll find me cozied up at home snuggling my cat, or if I'm feeling fancy, booking my next trip somewhere warm, like Majorca or Morocco.

If there's one thing I really want to make clear: my business is LGBTQIA+ friendly!

As a photographer, I want all my clients to feel 100% comfortable and safe with me. I believe that everyone is beautiful, whatever their weight, skin colour, religion or sexual orientation.

I serve people from all walks of life.

Everyone deserves gorgeous photos paired with their memories.

Some random facts about me

As well as having lived in France, I've also lived in Tahiti, England & Australia. I've also travelled to 18 countries.

I'm obsessed with everything astrology. I believe your birth chart says a lot about you. (I'm a Scorpio sun, Pisces moon & Virgo rising, what about you?)

My comfort films are Mean Girls, Twilight & Harry Potter.

I could listen to Coldplay on repeat.

I hate social injustice.

I LOVE history & I find family trees and looking up ancestors fascinating.

I'm the type of person who would rather tell a stranger they have a piece of lettuce stuck between their teeth than have them go about their day getting funny looks from people. Yes girl, I have your back!!

My fav dishes are Beef Stroganov, sushi & bolognese.

My fav cocktails are Margharitas & Piña Coladas.

My Why...

As much as I love taking beautiful photos, that's not entirely why I'm still a photographer today, after all these years.

Truth be told... I lost someone very close & dear to me, and everyday I'm so grateful that I picked up my first camera at age 13 and shot so many photos of them.

I now preach to everyone who will listen to take photos of their parents, lover, best friend, fur babies, as much as possible. Photography is one of the main tools with which we document our lives. Before photography, people used to get their portraits painted/sketched. Now, we can document all of that on our cameras & our phones. These are the traces of our lives & our heritage that we can all cherish forever.

...And what this could mean for you

I highly encourage everyone to book a shoot by themselves & with their loved ones. The photos can be whatever you want them to be. It doesn't have to be a serious & traditional shoot.

It could, for instance, look something like having me over on a Sunday afternoon, shooting away whilst you bake muffins with your husband & kids, whilst jamming out to your favourite record; or going for a walk in your favourite town and grabbing ice creams.

I promise, those photos will be so worth it.