Melina's Self-love Session

Bordeaux, FR

Melina, who lives in Berlin, was visiting Bordeaux for the holidays.

She contacted me, wanting to book a shoot together. I was so intrigued and excited when she said to me “okay, I’m in Bordeaux only for a bit, I want the photos to feel like a friend shot them whilst on holidays”. I instantly loved the vibe we were after, as this isn't the sort of shoot I usually do.

On the day of the session, we met up at a local café and ordered some delicious coffee, whilst chatting about photography & life, (and we noticed quite a few synchronicities, like what books/topics we were currently reading and researching, and the fact that we had both lived in Australia during the same period - ha!).

This conversation in fact helped me to create an even more intimate approach for the photographs. And after walking around the city together it actually felt like we had known each other for a bit.

This walk-and-talk setting of roaming around Bordeaux and stopping every so often to capture some stills was absolutely perfect. I definitely feel like the photos translate a certain setting of intimacy and calmness. I'd gladly recreate this session format in the future, especially for people visiting Bordeaux. It's such a fun approach.

What do you think? Is this something that you would be interested in?

What they had to say about their experience...